With 2,67,742 thousand Indian population aged 50 years and above struggling with finding satisfying careers, the chances of this group embarking on fulfilling & rewarding careers might seem bleak. Many of them face ignorance by several industry professionals as these professionals lack an understanding of the value of an older generation’s experience.
An older person struggles with different questions,
how do I choose a new career after 50?
what is the best career to start after 50?
what career options are available for people aged above 50?
These questions might look different but the concern in all these questions is the same. At the age of 50, people feel scared and conscious while even thinking about joining a new career or transforming their careers. However, several industries understand and welcome the experience of 50 years-aged people. One of the most welcoming industries for retirees, 50 years older professionals and those who want to restart their careers after a gap is the education industry.
There are plenty of career opportunities available in the education sector. We have compiled a list of the best careers to start after 50 in the education industry.
Best Career Options to Start Your Career After 50
1. Educator
There are endless career opportunities in the education sector in India. The very first option is becoming an educator or a teacher. Mostly, people retire at the age of 60. However, you can join any school as a teacher even in your 50s. If not, you can also start your own classes whether online or offline.
Teaching is a great profession if you like working with children in a classroom setting. They are the professionals who prepare and educate students and get them ready for the world. If you are in your 50s and want to transform your career, becoming a teacher is a very nice decision. This profession respects individuals’ experiences and welcomes old-age professionals as they have seen life and have relevant experiences that should be shared with children.
If you want to become a teacher, career development is the need of the hour. Even if you want to be an educator, upskilling and upgrading it necessary.
2. Education Administrator
If you want to work as a 50-year professional, being an education administrator in your school or organization could be a nice place to start. If you have relevant experience or a relevant degree, this job perfectly suits you. An education administrator is responsible for event planning in school, making disciplinary rules & decisions, budgets, and more. These professionals must be good enough in organizational skills and your experience can take your role to the next level.
3. School Counsellor
School counsellors are in good demand as every school wants to have its own school counsellor. These are trained professionals who help children in finding the right career path. They help and guide students on the basis of their interests, likes, dislikes, and abilities. School counsellors play a vital role in student development and help them reach their potential.
This profession demands people with good knowledge and experience. If you are in your 50s, you must have seen and noticed the changes in the education industry. There’s a huge difference in the education system then and now. Therefore, your experience plus knowledge can help children in making their dreams come true.
4. Independent Career Counsellor
Even if you are working as a school counsellor, you can practice independently. Otherwise, you can start working as an independent career counsellor. If you don’t want to bind yourself with a particular school or a group of schools, you can practice with your own brand. Get associated with some organization or you can even start your own career counselling venture (that we’ll talk about next).
Coming to the profession of career counselling, the industry is booming. There are multiple examples of professionals who have started their careers by joining this industry even in their 50s and 60s. Your experience and education can be utilized in this profession effectively. Hence, having a career in the career counselling industry could boost your career.
If you want to make a career in this recession-proof industry, become a trained career counsellor. Univariety and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Extension provide a one-stop platform called the Global Career Counsellor Program. It is Asia’s first comprehensive online program for individuals passionate about career counselling. The program has already transformed over 6500 careers, so, don’t wait and transform your career too.
5. Entrepreneur
As mentioned above, let’s talk about entrepreneurship in the career counselling industry. Entrepreneurs are professionals who are ready to take up any risks to become their own boss. If you are one of those individuals who never fear experimenting and exploring, entrepreneurship is your cup of tea. With your experience and knowledge, you can become a great entrepreneur and can rule this industry.
If you want to start your career counselling venture, we are with you. Univariety helps those individuals who want to be their boss with its Super Counsellor Program. This Program is India’s first incubator for professionals aspiring to become entrepreneurs. The program helps you with:
- Dedicated 5-Page Website
- 20 Complimentary Psychometric Tests
- Marketing Guidance
- White Labelled Technology to Guide Students
- 9 Ready-Made Presentations for Workshops
- Various Earning Opportunities
These are some areas in the education industry that welcome retirees, people above 50, professionals with different backgrounds, freshers, and more. If you want to restart your career in your 50s or want to join a satisfying career, the career counselling industry is the best choice.
Why Should You Look for a New Career in Your 50s?
If you are still thinking about whether you should look for a new career or not at the age of 50, you’re missing out on exploring your potential career. Here are our top 4 reasons why you should look for a career change and join a satisfying career like career counselling at the age of 50 and above:
More Self-Awareness
It is proven that people are more self-aware at the age of 50 or above. They have experienced their professional dissatisfaction till this time and they can now make the right career decisions. Many students and children end up having a dissatisfying career and till they realize this thing, they have already spent years in the industry. Some of the most intellectual and lucky people decide to transform their careers in their early 20s or 30s. However, if you are in your 50s or 60s, you can explore different career options and find the most suitable one as there’s no fear of failure in front of your experience.
Your Experience is Your Strength
As I have mentioned several times, your experience is something that youngsters don’t have. It’s time to utilize it. Your experience is your strength and you must use your plus points when it comes to finding the best career to start after 50. You can understand the needs of the children better because you have also come from a similar situation. You can help them more effectively as you have the knowledge and the practical skills too.
It’s Time to Follow Your Passion
It’s now or never when it comes to following your passion. Imagine you are in your 50s and you are still not doing what you like to do. It sounds so dissatisfying. Right? So, don’t waste your precious time and start following your passion. What could be the best passion than creating the future and helping students in achieving their goals? You can guide students, follow your passion and earn well at the same time, become a trained career counsellor.
Be Your Own Boss
Who doesn’t want to become his/her own boss? Everyone does. Right? What makes you think too much when it comes to transforming your career? Think practically, at this age, you must have good savings and if your children have completed their studies and are working somewhere or going to work, this is the best time to become an entrepreneur and fulfil your dreams. Entrepreneurship can give you a transformed sense of purpose and flexibility to set your own schedule.
Some Individuals Who Followed Their Passion For Career Counselling in the Late 40s & Early 50s
Meet Mr. Girijan Sankaran Nair who is one of those enthusiasts. Having spent more than 28 years with a Saudi Arabian company, Mr. Nair discovered a passion to guide students by making them aware of their interests and abilities, after learning from his personal experience.
In his words “I am a 58 years young old man who came to this area after having goofed with my daughter’s career. I counsel Indian students in Riyadh with my venture called EduQuast. In this journey, the Global Career Counsellor Program provided every support I needed.”
Ms. Ishita Banerjee, Career Counsellor and Founder, of Careerforte, Delhi found her passion after working for more than 2 decades in the field of Advertising, Sales & Marketing.
In her words, “When students used to look up to me for career advice, I used to feel that I needed the right skills to guide them better. Then I decided to take up a career counselling validation. I was pleasantly surprised to see their learning materials and modules of GCC. That was a pleasant journey for me.”
Working as a mechanical engineer for 43 years, what made Mr. Jain transform his career? In his words, “Most students are unaware of their interests, true potential, and availability of career opportunities. So, I decided to make a difference in their lives.”
Meet Ms. Sona Kanal, as an educator with 2 decades of experience, her passion for upskilling, learning and guiding students lent her to the Global Career Counsellor Program.
According to Ms. Kanal, “Today, on completion of the program, I am sure that my journey as a career counsellor will be incredible and fulfilled.”
To know more about the program and how it can help you grow professionally,
FAQs Related to the Best Career to Start After 50
Question: Is 50 too old to start a new career?
Answer: No, absolutely not. 50 is not old to start a new career. Even there’s no age restriction when someone wants to restart his/her career. You can start a new career at any age whether it’s 40, 50 or 60.
Question: What is the best career to start at 50?
Answer: The education industry is the best sector to restart your career at 50 and above. This industry offers several career opportunities to retirees and people aged 50 and above. The sector values the experience and skills of experienced professionals.
Question: What is a good second career for someone over 50?
Answer: Apart from practising career counselling independently, you can also go for setting up your own business. Your business gives you an edge to be your own boss and increase your earning potential.
Question: What new jobs can I do at 50?
Answer: If you are in your 50s or have retired, the education industry is the best to join. You can become a trained career counsellor, or school counsellor, or even start your own career counselling venture.
If you want to make your career a satisfying career option, become a trained career counsellor. The online program is offered by Univariety and the University of California, Los Angeles Extension (UCLA Extn.). It is an all-in-one guide to career counselling in India. After completing the program, the candidate receives a Green Belt Certificate from Univariety and a Record of Participation from the UCLA Extension. This Green Belt Certification gives you global recognition and validation to guide students across the globe.
Parul is an enthusiast writer, currently working at Univariety. Despite being from a technical educational background, she started her career in writing because of her passion. She loves sketching and doodling while enjoying a cup of black coffee. When she is not writing, she likes watching movies, travelling, and exploring new places.
It is indeed with pride and true satisfying learning from Univariety & UCLA Extn by completing GCC course. Feeling priviledge knowing of many great Mentors, ecperienced Educators. Experts in the field career enhencing & growing minds for better tomorrow. “TOGETHER WE CARE CAREERS” of billions beautiful young minds.
Warm Regards
N Mahabir Singh
Thank you Mr. Mahabir. It’s good to see professionals loving GCC 🙂
I’m interested in the GCC program, could you please call me on 9739001577
Sure Ms. Gerard. One of our team members will connect with you.
I require guidance to start this career or certification as mentioned as I am nearing 51 years. How much time one has to dedicate for course and practice?
What is the pay /compensation expected and what are the working hours? online… off line etc
Hello Mr. Himanshu
It’s inspiring to see your enthusiasm. We would definitely like to guide you through this journey. Please write us at letmeguide@univariety.com.
Our expert advisor will get in touch with you
Brilliant article Parul.
Very well explained and inspiring.
Thank you Dr. Varia for such warm words 🙂