Have you just entered the career counselling industry?

Have you spent enough time in this profession?

Whichever your situation is, at one point or other, you have gone through or will go through some common questions asked by a majority of students.

To make the most of your career counselling process, students keep asking questions to clarify their doubts. It’s actually a healthy way to start this career planning journey. Sometimes, as a career counsellor, you are required to ask questions and break the ice. In some cases, students create a list of questions to be asked to their counsellors and in this case, this blog could really help you out.

We have listed out the 7 most common questions asked in career counselling by students to their career counsellors. Let’s go through the questions and some ideal answers (you can refer to these answers and improvise as per the student’s background too).

Question:1 – How can I build on my strengths & work on my weaknesses?

When you ask your students what are their biggest strengths, weaknesses, interests, and more, they usually get confused. Surely, they list out some points but there could always be some major points left behind. 

Identifying their personality traits can help them choose a career that they enjoy. Their strengths include skills like research skills, communication, problem-solving abilities, teamwork, interpersonal skills and more. This varies from person to person and the profession they want to pursue. To articulate their strengths, you can assess them first with the help of psychometric tests and accordingly suggest to them what and how to improve further. This will only not help them build their strengths but also working on their weaknesses as well.

Question:2 – How to select my course & career?

Career planning is a long process. It does not work in such a way that students choose any subject, any stream and suddenly, they start making career decisions. Planning itself is a synonym for creating well-thought and research proposals. 

Hence, career planning is totally dependent on stream, course, and subject selection. Once,  students ask you how to choose a course and career, ask them to list down their likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, and other personality traits. Current academic performance, future goals, etc also play an important role in course & career selection. 

You can also take up Course, Subject, Career Selector Tests to help your student make the right decision. These are scientific & personalized tools for students to determine the best-fit career, course, combination of subjects etc. 

Through a deep analysis of current academic performance, individual strengths, and future career dreams, take a student from confusion to clarity.

Question:3 – How can I build a strong profile for college admissions?

In today’s world, the competition has been increasing rapidly. Students are getting good marks and due to similar academic scores, universities & colleges have changed their admission processes. Now, top universities look for a holistic student profile before granting admission. Therefore, students look for professionals who can help them in building a strong profile and getting them into their dream college.

Therefore, you should understand various aspects of admissions to lead universities. You can help students in creating a holistic profile with the help of ProMap. ProMap is a program that helps students in creating college-ready profiles. Your student needs to stand out from the crowd and for this, he/she must build a relevant profile. You can help them with advanced technologies & make their dreams come true.

Question:4 – How to reduce anxiety while making career decisions?

The majority of students go through a lot of pressure, anxiety and pressure while planning their careers. Not only students, but their parents also feel the same until their kids find the right career path. As a career counsellor, you can help these students and parents in career planning and reduce anxiety & pressure.

To do so, you need to make them understand that it’s just a process & you’ll be there for them in every situation. You can start by talking to them, break the ice and guide them in every stage. You can start with knowing their personality traits & accordingly suggest courses, colleges, career options, etc. 

Meanwhile, tell them to research various career opportunities according to their interests. If they are very anxious, suggest them to make a proper routine, do some sort of physical activities, read inspirational books, and of course, focus on their studies.


Question:5 – My parents want me to pursue some other career. How to convince them?

If you have conflicts between you and your parents, it’s important to resolve them. First, let’s understand the situation, student’s requirements, parents’ expectations, their financial condition, and accordingly, decide what to do and how. 

If handled properly, these conflicts don’t turn into long-term problematic patterns. As a career professional, listen to both parties, understand their requirements, and create a win-win situation for both sides. Don’t take side any of the parties, just be fair & help them with the best career decision.

Question:6 – How to get into my dream college?

Getting into the dream college depends on various factors. Career planning and college admissions are critical points in a student’s journey. Students need to focus on their profiles, their LORs, SOPs, essay writing and also finalize the career, course, and country and accordingly, they can work on their profiles.

As a professional, you can easily help them in overseas admissions and profile building. To help you understand all the important aspects, we have two specializations – Premium Overseas Admission & Student Profile Building Beyond Academics. To know more, click here.

Question:7 – What tools are used to identify one’s interests, strengths, weaknesses, etc?

This is one of the most common questions asked in career counselling. In this advanced era, kids are totally into technology. Along with their daily lives, they look for technical aspects in everything, in career counselling also. That’s why as a career counsellor, you must use 21st-century tools & technologies to help them effectively & in a satisfying manner. 

Along with clients’ satisfaction, tools are also important to help you navigate through the process. With the help of technology, it’s easier to know about the clients, their mindsets, capabilities, and more. Not only about the clients, but you can also search for various career options, courses, colleges, countries according to their interests and capabilities.


To assist you with different tools & technologies, we are with you. When a student asks you about what tools you use for career counselling, you can easily mention psychometric tests like Ideal Career Tests, Personality Type Assessment, Multiple Intelligences Test, Learning Styles Test, Stream Selector Test, Super Counsellor program’s technology, and more.

These are some of the most common questions asked in career counselling by students. Read these questions and answer them accordingly. These replies are written for your reference, you can easily modify and completely change them as per the student’s requirements. 

If you want to help students in finding the right career path, become a trained career counsellor with the help of the Global Career Counsellor Program by Univariety in collaboration with the UCLA Extension. The program is an industry ready career counselling course that helps individuals understand all aspects related to career counselling & how to guide students in different situations. 

To Know More About the Program, Click Here

Parul Sharma
Assistant Manager - Content Marketing

Parul is an enthusiast writer, currently working at Univariety. Despite being from a technical educational background, she started her career in writing because of her passion. She loves sketching and doodling while enjoying a cup of black coffee. When she is not writing, she likes watching movies, travelling, and exploring new places.

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