Career Counselling, as we all know well, is not a one-day activity. It starts with the basic career awareness of a student and ends with his/her achievement of the goal. Throughout this process, a career counsellor has to play many roles like a mentor, guide, counsellor, adviser etc. A counsellor’s job is, thus, something beyond academic. Their guidance must include the overall development of a  student. Some students are good at academics, and some are better than in other fields. It is a part of a career counsellor’s duty to guide the students to make their profile a balanced, strong and impressive one so that they can stand successfully in the after 12th College Admission Competition. 

Now, a question arises what actually a balanced profile is & why it is so important. A balanced profile of a student is that one where his / her academic achievements go with some extracurricular activities or achievements. While giving admission, every institute always prefers those students who are experienced and have done some achievements in one or more than one extracurricular sector, apart from academic excellence. Thus, in recent years,  we often see that in many institutes, students with 90% scores get admission easily compared to higher-scoring students. 

Guide students on building a balanced profile

The importance of a strong profile for every student is very well understood by UNIVARIETY and so, in this regard, its programs are very obliging. Two most popular programs of UNIVARIETY that help the students to make a better and stronger profile are –

ProMapProMap (Profile Building Program)

ProMap is a specially designed program to build a beyond academic profile for the students. It helps students to discover their potential and set goals. This program helps to create a customized roadmap to stand out from the competition. It also boosts admission and scholarship chances. In other words, this program of Univariety helps to build a balanced, stronger and impressive college-ready profile. 

VIP Program by UnivarietyAt Home Internship Program (Virtual Internship Program)

During this pandemic time when students are doing their studies from home on the online platform, VIP is the best program for all those students who really want to add Internship Certificates to their profile. There are 18 Career 

Based Internship programs offered by Univariety include expert modules and practical assignments. On completion of the program a  student, apart from receiving an Internship Certificate, gets a real-life experience of his/her desired career. VIP is undoubtedly one of the best programs for every student to make a stronger profile. 

Thus, a Balanced, Strong & Impressive Profile is in high demand for every college admission competition. Career counsellors are always focussing on this fact. Univariety is offering programs for this purpose. Now, it is time to realize this fact and grab this opportunity to build a college-ready profile with the help of Univariety programs. 

A Career in Career Counselling can be a smooth transition if you find the right course with the right values.

Are you ready to formalize your qualification to help students resolve their issues and find the right career direction? If yes, explore the field of Career Counselling and become a trained Career Counsellor.

UCLA Extension Certificate

The Global Career Counsellor Program is Asia’s 1st Comprehensive Online Program offered by By Univariety in Collaboration with UCLA Extension. This program is the best choice for individuals passionate about Career Counselling. Give wings to your career and become a trained Global Career Counsellor. More than 5500+ candidates have transformed their career with us. What are you waiting for?

Know More About the Program, Speak to Our Expert Advisor

Ms. Rashmi Rekha Kakoty
Rashmi Rekha Kakoty
Rashmi Rekha Kakoty, Director, The Right Direction Career Consultancy, and a trained Global Career Counsellor. With 18+ years of experience in the education sector, she diversified her career by becoming a Career Counsellor.
While working as a high school teacher, she realized the hurdles students face while choosing career options. She felt the need for counselling students professionally. That's who she joined the career counselling industry.

1 Comment

  1. Dr.Sujata Deori Reply

    Right Direction Career Consultancy is really a very fruitful Global Counsellor . I hope the students as well as teachers and guardians will be surely benefitted by their career guidance.

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