Embarking on a new career path can be an exhilarating and transformative experience. If you are considering a career change and have a passion for helping others navigate their professional journeys, becoming a career counsellor can be an exciting new opportunity for you! 

Making a successful career change requires careful planning and preparation. In this blog post, we will guide you through five essential steps to transition into the field of career counselling and become a trusted career counsellor for students seeking guidance for taking important career decisions.

5 Steps to Successful Career Change – Become a Professional Career Counsellor 

Evaluate your Current Position

Before diving headfirst into a new career, take the time to evaluate your current position and reflect on your motivations for change. Assess your skills, interests, and values to determine how they align with a career in career counselling. Consider your strengths in communication, empathy, and problem-solving, as these qualities are crucial for effective career counselling. Reflecting on your current position will provide a solid foundation for the next steps in your career change journey.

Consider the Pros & Cons of Becoming a Career Counsellor

Next, weigh the pros and cons of transitioning into a career in career counselling. Identify what motivates you to pursue this path and the benefits it offers. As a career counsellor, you’ll have the opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s lives, guide them towards fulfilling careers, and witness their personal growth. However, it’s essential to acknowledge the potential challenges, such as dealing with clients’ career frustrations or uncertainties. Being aware of both the advantages and disadvantages will help you make an informed decision.

Build Your Skills to Become a Successful Career Counsellor

To become a successful career counsellor, acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge is crucial. Pursuing a degree or taking online courses can provide you with a foundational understanding of career development theories, counselling techniques, and assessment tools. Consider enrolling in programs such as the Global Career Counsellor (GCC), a certification program offered by Univariety and UCLA Extension. This program provides access to self-paced training modules created by expert career counselling professionals, equipping you with the skills needed for the job.

On-the-Job Learning

Gaining practical experience in the field of career counselling is invaluable. Seek opportunities to shadow or intern under professional career counsellors who can mentor you and provide insights into the industry. This hands-on experience will allow you to observe real-life career counselling sessions, learn effective strategies for guiding students, and develop a deeper understanding of various career paths and industries. This on-the-job learning will help you build confidence and enhance your skills as you transition into your new career.

Build Your Resume and Cover Letter

When applying for career counselling positions, a well-crafted resume and cover letter are essential to make a strong impression. Tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. Research the industry and its requirements to ensure your application reflects the needs of potential employers.


Changing your career to become a career counsellor is an exciting and fulfilling journey. By following these five steps, you’ll be well on your way to transitioning successfully into this rewarding field. By becoming a certified career counsellor, you can make a positive impact on the lives of others as a trusted guide and mentor. 

Payal Dixit
Payal Dixit
Content Manager at Univariety

Payal is an avid reader and compulsive writer who thinks being able to pen words is her primary life skill. She loves giving her blogs a quirky spin that sets them apart from the rest. After all, who would mind a bit of Sherlock or Jack Sparrow in a blog on career counselling!

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