Do you know what is the biggest reason why 8 out of 10 students let go of their dreams of studying abroad?

One could say “The Expenditure”, but I would correct it with “Lack Of Awareness”.

2 reasons:

  • The abundance of top universities in the US, and 
  • Scholarships 

Makes sense right?

And this is where the immediate necessity of career counselling for students strikes. 

Study abroad counsellors make both life and the application process easier with their experience, knowledge, and insights.


In this article, we’ll be reading all about it.

So, without any further ado, let’s begin.

Career Counselling For Students- Solving The Problems Faced By Students While Applying For Abroad Studies

The majority of students applying for abroad studies are the first generation of their families to actually do so.

This makes it difficult for them to seek advice on the simplest of things. Let alone the part where the real complications begin.

So, in this section, we’ll discuss the most common problems faced by students while planning for abroad studies. Along with the necessary aid that study abroad counsellors provide.

1. Lack Of Clarity On ‘What To Do’

Although the excitement is piercing through the ceiling, the clarity on the course and college combination is mostly non-existent.

 This scenario gives rise to 2 scenarios:

  1. They quit the process after getting tired of chasing a course or college they aren’t even sure of
  2. They just quit

Amidst this 

  • Clutter of so much information to choose from, or
  • The gap of no information at all, 

Career counselling for students is the magic key to the locked door meant for any aspirant.

The solution offered by the study abroad counsellor:

Career counselling for students begins with understanding the interests, passions, and strengths of students.

This enables a counsellor to project the ideal career choices for each and every student. Followed by which, they provide the best possible course and college combination a student should target for.

Absolute clarity, here we go! 

2. The Complicated Application Process

I’ll be honest here. Applying for abroad studies, especially in the United States is really, really complicated.

And as I mentioned earlier, being the first generation to go through such an intricate process can be stressful.

The slightest of mistakes here and there, the next thing you know- the application gets rejected.

Another aspect of the application process is that it is a very lengthy process. Last moment rush doesn’t work here. 

The solution offered by the study abroad counsellor:

Owing to the training process, a counsellor knows the study abroad application process inside out. 

How complicated and fragile the process is?

When to start applying for a particular course or college?

And, so on.

A counsellor’s insights offer a student:

  • The insight to start applying for a particular course or university exactly at the perfect time
  • Hand-held guidance on how to take every step in the application process

An error-free application process initiated at the ideal point in time? You bet!

3. Lack Of Clarity On Life In College and Country

A big-time dilemma faced by students while applying for abroad studies is regarding the on-campus life and the lifestyle of the country.

These include:

  • Campus life in general
  • Ease of Visa application and approval
  • Cost of living in the desired country
  • Availability of Student-jobs

The list might sound like something that is the last thing to worry about, but in reality, these queries are the most searched for.

The solution offered by the study abroad counsellor:

Counsellors have a very practical understanding of life in a foreign country as a student. And via their career counselling sessions for students, they provide a very realistic picture of life on campus and in the country for students.

Ensuring that nothing comes off as a surprise to the student.

4. Availing the Right Scholarships

Studying in the US is expensive.

The major reason why students give up on their dreams. 

But, a scholarship availed can reduce the cost significantly. Information most students are unaware of.

“Aren’t scholarships only for really bright students”?

The common misconception. 

There are multiple types of scholarships offered by the government, and universities to students based on multiple parameters such as:

  • Country of origin
  • Course chosen
  • Sports and extracurricular achievements

The solution offered by the study abroad counsellor:

Through their career counselling session for students, counsellors shed light on the above facts. Thus, providing them with multiple categories to apply for scholarships.


Career counselling sessions for students isn’t a luxury anymore. It is the need of the hour. And many students and their parents are beginning to acknowledge the fact.

This has opened up a lot of scopes for aspiring individuals to become professional career counsellors. And fulfilling their dreams is the Global Career Counsellor Program.

The Global Career Counsellor program helps you to start a career as a Career Counsellor in just 3 months. It is a unique course designed by Univariety in collaboration with UCLA Extension. Learn the latest counselling techniques from around the world, gain credibility through an international acknowledgement of repute, and set up your business right at home.

Over 6700 professionals are already benefiting from this industry-ready online career counselling course, when are you starting?

Now? We thought so. 🙂

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How is Career Counselling Helping MS Aspirants to Get Admissions in the US?

A wanderer in every sense of the word, Asit’s love for biking is mostly on full throttle. As a writer, he feeds on satire and sarcasm in every possible way he can manage. Asit’s vision is to explore every aspect of Content Creation, from his laptop, on a warm beach, sipping on sweet Coconut water. Well, ideally!

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